News and Homework
Arts: We will learn about and practice writing A words, sing songs and read
books about apples, recite our apple poem, stamp our sight words (like, up) and
practice spelling them every day, match upper and lower case letters, write in
our journals, practice letter formation, sing about letter sounds, write “Me”
books, and start our literacy center rotations thanks to our wonderful parent
We will explore math manipulatives and review Chapter 1: Sorting and
Classifying. Our first math test will be
on Friday! It will cover everything we
have learned so far: top/middle/bottom, in front/behind, over/under/on,
left/right, inside/outside, same/different, and sorting by color, size, and
shape. We will also count by 1s, 5s,
and10s (to 100!), and graph the weather.
This week we will continue to learn about Adam and Eve. We will read the Bible, sing The B-I-B-L-E and Kum Ba Yah, recite 1 John 1:9, and pray together every day.
Social Studies, Art, and Misc: We will continue to learn about daytime and
nighttime, learn about the parts of our bodies (and sing Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes), taste and compare yellow, green,
and red apples, make apple art, talk about positive character traits and what
it means to be a good citizen, continue class jobs, attend art class, music
class, library, computer lab, and PE, explore the classroom during choice time,
celebrate the color green, and more!!!
Sharing: We have a sharing time every Friday during
our afternoon meeting.
This Week’s Homework:
help your child complete a little homework each night until it is
following assignments should be completed by Friday:
Phonics page for the letter of the week- A
Handwriting page for the letter of the week- A
2-3 choices from our monthly family activity
Ten minutes (or more!) of reading every night
with a parent, guardian, or older sibling, etc.
Reading together every night is VERY important. Let’s work together to develop a love of
books and reading in our children!
1. School
library books are due every Wednesday (earlier is fine).
2. This week’s
color is GREEN! If you would like,
please dress your child in green this Friday.
We had a blast celebrating yellow last Friday. J
3. If you would
like to practice sight words at home with your child, the words we have learned
in class so far are: I, big, red, can, in, it, and we. This week’s words are like and up.
you for checking your child’s take-home/homework folder every night and making
sure they get back to school every day.
Please remember to keep the papers in the right-hand pocket at home.
September 23rd: Chapel 2:25-2:55, parents are welcome to join us in
Monschke Hall!
September 27th: Minimum Day (teacher in-service day) Students are
dismissed at 12.
Friday, September 27th: All School Movie Night 7-9pm
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